WESTWOOD, Mass. – enVerid Systems, a leading provider of indoor air quality solutions, announced today the HLR 100M, a smaller version of its HVAC Load Reduction® (HLR) module designed for simple installation and immediate payback. The HLR 100M broadens the range of new and existing buildings that can benefit from enVerid’s award-winning air cleaning technology, which delivers superior indoor air quality (IAQ) while reducing energy use, carbon emissions, and HVAC equipment costs. The HLR 100M is ideal for both new construction and retrofits, allowing buildings such as offices, schools, and conditioned warehouses to achieve IAQ goals and significantly reduce their annual HVAC energy costs.
By employing enVerid Systems’ HLR technology, buildings can achieve a 40 percent savings on their HVAC energy usage, meeting energy efficiency and decarbonization goals while reducing operating costs and improving indoor air quality.
Indoor air quality, cost containment and decarbonization goals are all powerful drivers for our HLR family of products.
The HLR 100M, like enVerid’s existing HLR products, removes all the ASHRAE-defined “contaminants of concern” from indoor air so that load can be reduced on HVAC systems by safely recirculating indoor air. By employing HLR technology, buildings can achieve a 40 percent savings on their HVAC energy usage, meeting energy efficiency and decarbonization goals while reducing operating costs. The payback period for the HLR 100M’s target applications, including installation costs, ranges from immediate to under five years, depending on climate zone, energy rates, operating hours, and utility incentives.
The HLR 100M is designed for simple indoor installation with a wide variety of HVAC systems. The new module does not require exhaust ductwork and has a small footprint and wide range of installation orientations including stacking and hanging individually or in clusters.
When combined with high-efficiency MERV filters or local HEPA filters such as the enVerid Air Purifier, HLR technology can also be used to deliver safe indoor air quality for COVID-19 mitigation with less outside air. The enVerid Air Purifier is a True HEPA, in-room, ceiling-mounted commercial air purifier that effectively removes SARS-CoV-2 viruses from indoor air.
“Over the past five years, enVerid has worked with leading engineering firms to integrate our HLR products with custom and semi-custom HVAC systems, delivering superior indoor air quality while reducing HVAC energy costs and carbon emissions,” said enVerid’s CEO, Christian Weeks. “Indoor air quality, cost containment, and decarbonization goals are all powerful drivers for our HLR family of products, and market interest in our solutions is accelerating. With the new HLR 100M product, we have expanded the number of plan and spec and retrofit applications we can serve with the most attractive return on investment.”
Lindsay Baker, a leader in healthy and sustainable buildings and Senior Fellow at the Rocky Mountain Institute, praised enVerid for its pioneering work. “For the past 20-30 years, buildings’ energy efficiency has often taken precedence over indoor environmental quality. Over the past year the pendulum has swung to the other extreme with COVID-19. Going forward we must solve for both indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency – given the economic and climate crisis it would be irresponsible not to do so – and solutions like enVerid’s HLR technology provide a cost-effective pathway to do this.”
“Having designed a number of projects with HLR technology, I am well acquainted with its compelling value proposition,” said David Ellowitz, Project Executive at AHA Consulting Engineers. “This new, simplified version of the HLR product, which does not require ductwork and regeneration cycles, will streamline deployment and improve payback periods. I look forward to specifying the HLR 100M for a wider range of projects to help clients enhance air quality, save energy, and reduce carbon emissions.”
enVerid’s HLR products deliver air cleaning technology that reduces HVAC equipment capacity requirements and energy use, improves indoor air quality, and earns LEED® and WELL points. HLR technology can also be used to extend the life of existing HVAC equipment. With the addition of the HLR 100M, enVerid now offers three HLR products for a wide range of applications:
- HLR 100M(new in 2021) – A small indoor HLR module that integrates with a wide range of central or zone-based HVAC systems found in offices, schools, and conditioned warehouses and distribution centers. The 100M removes all the ASHRAE-defined contaminants of concern from indoor air without any regeneration, exhaust, or make-up air requirements, and is ideally suited for existing building retrofit projects where space is a limiting factor for the HLR 200M.
- HLR 200M(formerly HLR 14M) – An indoor HLR module typically installed in mechanical rooms that integrates with custom and semi-custom airside systems in office buildings, schools, and other commercial building applications, including systems with DOAS and ERV components. The HLR 200M removes all the ASHRAE-defined contaminants of concern plus CO2 from indoor air and features cartridge regeneration and venting. The new HLR 200M, which replaces the HLR 14M, comes with a Niagara-based Honeywell controller for easier connectivity, start-up, and control.
- HLR 15R– A rooftop HLR module that integrates with custom and semi-custom rooftop HVAC systems in office buildings, schools, and other commercial building applications, including systems with DOAS and ERV components. Like the HLR 200M, the HLR 15R removes all the ASHRAE-defined contaminants of concern plus CO2 from indoor air and features cartridge regeneration and venting using enVerid’s proprietary controller.
enVerid’s HLR modules are the only products shown to remove all the contaminants of concern called out by ASHRAE Standard 62.1 and the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).
In 2019, enVerid’s HLR technology received the AHR Expo Product of the Year Award, the most prestigious award for the HVAC industry. ASHRAE judges commented that the HLR technology “was not only innovative, but visionary,” and called it “an industry game-changer” due to its ability to “safely remove all molecular contaminants, including carbon dioxide (CO2), formaldehyde and a full range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from indoor air.”
About enVerid HLR Technology
Legacy commercial HVAC designs rely on massive volumes of outside airflow to maintain acceptable indoor air quality, resulting in oversized equipment and wasted HVAC energy consumption. To eliminate this waste, HLR technology cleans a building’s indoor air at a nanoscopic molecular level, enabling the building to use far less outside air ventilation while improving indoor air quality. Buildings can then invest in smaller, less expensive HVAC systems and realize immediate capital cost savings while benefiting from up to 40% ongoing HVAC energy savings for the life of the building.
All of enVerid’s HLR products are fully compliant under ASHRAE Standard 62.1, “Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality” and the International Mechanical Code. By using ASHRAE’s performance-based Indoor Air Quality Procedure (IAQP) rather than the prescriptive Ventilation Rate Procedure (VRP), engineers can calculate a minimum ventilation rate that optimizes indoor air quality and energy efficiency. Recent updates to IAQP have made it easier for engineers to adopt. These updates include defining a set list of contaminants of concern, their limits, and appropriate emission rates by building type and age. Tools developed by enVerid’s in-house engineering team, including enVerid’s IAQP Calculator, streamline the application of IAQP for engineers.
Additional information about enVerid’s expanded family of HLR products can be found on enVerid’s website at enverid.com.
About enVerid Systems, Inc.
enVerid Systems helps buildings achieve ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), healthy building, and cost saving goals by improving indoor air quality while saving money and reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. For new HVAC systems, enVerid’s award-winning HVAC Load Reduction® (HLR) modules enable immediate capital cost savings. HLR modules also deliver up to 40% HVAC energy savings and superior indoor air quality in new and existing buildings. enVerid’s air filtration products remove particulate and microorganism contamination from indoor air without the significant cost of upgrading mechanical systems and increasing mechanical ventilation rates. enVerid’s products are deployed in commercial, academic, and government buildings globally. enVerid’s HLR Modules are ASHRAE Standard 62.1, LEED®, and WELL compliant and eligible for utility rebates. For more information, please visit https://enverid.com.