Berner International, LLC, New Castle, Pa., the leading U.S. manufacturer and innovator of air curtains, announced that manufacturer representatives SRS Enterprises, Middletown, N.J., and R. Williamson & Associates LLC, Skokie, Ill., received the company’s “Rep of the Year–2019” honors in the buy/resell and commission sales categories, respectively. The awards were presented at the International Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigerating Exposition (AHR Expo 2020) Feb. 3 in Orlando.
Berner International also honored four other manufacturer’s representative firms for outstanding 2019 sales achievements:
Silver Award Buy/Resell—Vigmark Inc., Montreal, Quebec;
Silver Award Commission Sales—S & J Equipment Co., Indianapolis, Ind.;
Bronze Award Buy/Resell—H.C. Nye Co. Inc., Harrisburg, Pa.;
Bronze Award Commission Sales—Jordan/Marlar/Hale (JMH) Inc., Memphis, Tenn.
The 89-year-old R. Williamson & Associates, a Berner rep since 1973, earned its “Presidential Gold–Commission Reps” with several high-profile projects throughout its territory of Chicago, Northwest Indiana, Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. The company outfitted Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s downtown Chicago campus with more than a dozen Architectural Series air curtains with either electric or hot water coils for patron air comfort in the main lobby and other pedestrian areas. At the hospital’s Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital’s Hunter Family Center in suburban Lake Forest, Ill., air curtains were installed for climate control goals. Principals Rob Williamson and Scott Williamson also sold electronically-controlled Industrial Direct Drive air curtains on 22 (h) x 16 (w)-foot shipping doors to protect an entire plant from outside weather, dirt and contaminants.