Attendees learned about electrical theory, worked hands-on with products
SJE Rhombus held their second annual advanced training on Oct. 15 and 16. They had 18 attendees from around North America who came to gain more in-depth knowledge of the industry. Topics covered included electrical theory, level sensing, VFDs and controls. There was also considerable time devoted to working hands-on with panels.
“My favorite part about the advanced training was getting hands-on experience with the products and panels, while being able to talk to the people who designed and built the products,” said Kevin Corstorphine, an account representative from Pump Tech Inc. “It gave great insight into why they were designed the way they were and let you explore some otherwise lesser known features.”
Attendees were a mix of standard and engineered representatives, distributors and original equipment manufacturers. Although it is an advanced training, Corstorphine said it can be useful to a wide variety of experience levels, both in terms of industry experience and SJE product familiarization. It also gives SJE Rhombus the chance to talk directly with customers and get feedback.
“It’s great when we are discussing a new product or showing everyone how to use an existing product and they are asking questions or saying things like ‘I didn’t know that!’ or ‘this would be a nice feature to add,’” said SJE Rhombus product manager Josh Erckenbrack.
In addition to presentations and hands-on panel time, attendees got a tour of the Detroit Lakes facility. SJE Rhombus staff and attendees also got together for a dinner on Wednesday as an opportunity to have fun and continue to build relationships.
SJE Rhombus is a leading brand of water/wastewater controls solutions with over 40 years of expertise. SJE Rhombus is marketed by SJE, a 100% employee owned, privately held company. With corporate headquarters located in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, SJE does business globally from multiple locations across the United States and Asia. To learn more, visit